Milei has begun shipping part of Argentina’s supply of two million troy ounces of gold, valued at about $4.5 billion to Rothschild & Co private banking group in London. He was never for the people. He is a Zionist shill.
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I know this article is from the Guardian but this is not ancap in anyway. Milei might do well in economic terms but this is totalitarian statist bullshit. Fuck Bullrich and Milei (mostly Bullrich)
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You admit that most businesses and jobs already prevent personal defense, which has an aggregate effect of removing your right to bear arms, and you want all public property to be private, which will add to the restriction. You are against the right to bear arms. All of you.
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"Russia invaded Ukraine. We therefore need a One World Government to prevent violations of international law!" as a retort to when Statists argue that an anarchy among men is impossible
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Proprietarianism is incompatible with libertarianism. Proprietarianism says that individual rights can be removed by people who own property.
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