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In the film "True Grit" (2010), which takes place in Arkansas in 1873, the characters never use contractions when speaking. Is this accurate for the time? If so, why did people not use contractions then?
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How effective was the gattling gun when it made its first appearance on the battlefield? Movies like the Last Samurai and the (new) Magnificent 7 make it seem like it was an unstoppable devastating force. What impact did it have on warfare?
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In 62 B.C. Cicero bought a huge house from Marcus Crassus for 3.5 million sestertii. How did the money change hands?
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Why did the Nigerian Civil War (the Biafran War) have such a bizzare amount and combination of countries as belligerents for each side?
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I'm an English peasant in the year 1200, and I want to get a dog. How would I go about doing that, and what sorts of dogs would be available?
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