BMSCE college life. | 4 | Comfortable_Maize505 | | | | |
Clubs? | 4 | DreaminFuture | | | | |
Mode of payment of hostel fee | 4 | Bigdoughnut32 | | | | |
spelling mistake in school certificate | 4 | No-Designer5167 | | | | |
Anyone joining | 4 | Left_Highlight6211 | | | | |
I can't edit my choices | 3 | HumbleSprinkles6423 | | | | |
I need help (If possible seniors pls help) | 3 | calculus_niga | | | | |
E- resources | 3 | Fragrant-Buffalo8135 | | | | |
Why are pg cheaper than hostel? | 3 | Dazzling-Strength614 | | | | |
Anybody looking to join pg | 3 | Left_Highlight6211 | | | | |