I (black, 1900 chesscom rapid) played my friend (white, 750 chesscom blitz) in a 5 + 0 game. Did my friend cheat or just a good game from them? | 35 | shaner4042 | | | | |
Never thought I’ll be reaching this position in an actual game | 23 | i_m_sha_m_i | | | | |
A win is a win | 21 | Alternative-Army-487 | | | | |
“Magnus Shirt” I Made Featuring WCC 2021 Longest Game Ever (Carlsen vs Nepomniatchi) | 21 | CarmelElite6 | | | | |
Guess the Elo | 21 | tacitus-kilgore1892 | | | | |
Fried Fish Tacos | 20 | DyNamIssM | | | | |
I thought I was cooked | 18 | Suspicious-Step-2584 | | | | |
Why is cxb4 a brilliant move I am noob and don't understand please explain | 18 | Life-Refrigerator-32 | | | | |
Gut the Elmo | 11 | beginning_cheese | | | | |
I might be him | 10 | TallPolishDude | | | | |