M4a Any1 down need to get my win count up NSFW | 2 | hypnoslu | | | | |
19M4A Do you even have a chance? NSFW | 2 | HeinoCrap | | | | |
18m looking to duel NSFW | 2 | Jhett99 | | | | |
[M4A] Looking for someone with a high fighting spirit and confidence in a hypno duel with stakes. NSFW | 2 | CoachUComfortable | | | | |
18TF looking to try her first battle NSFW | 2 | SongHeimSon | | | | |
i lost to hypnoslu NSFW | 2 | FitCarry996 | | | | |
20 M4A looking for a battle NSFW | 2 | Connect_Necessary178 | | | | |
M4F Experienced battler, looking to keep my undefeated streak alive! NSFW | 1 | hypnomann18 | | | | |
First Time Duel NSFW | 1 | RedditUsernameHer | | | | |
21 TF4A looking for a battle NSFW | 1 | Apprehensive-Thanks5 | | | | |