My name is Ricardo Rangel (Substation Design Engineer). I pioneered an algorithm to design 100% renewable power systems, and I am on a mission to lead the transition toward sustainable energy. AMA!
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I’m Dr. Nick Wagner, child psychologist and child development researcher. AMA about parenting during the pandemic and supporting children’s changing needs.
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I'm Jared Tendler, Mental Game Coach for traders, golfers, poker players, esports, and entrepreneurs. I'm the author of three books, my latest is The Mental Game of Trading. I've worked with clients in 45 countries, including some at the highest level of their field. Ask me anything!
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Just a reminder: All request threads will be removed from IAmA. There's a new subreddit for requesets.
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IAM(posting as a surrogate to)A holocaust survivor that went through several concentration camps. AMA
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