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I worked nuclear weapons testing at the Nevada Test Site for 8 years. I was the closest person to several nuclear tests. I can exchange some sea stories that you may find interesting. I can answer questions about what it is like to be there.
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IamA 17 year old, Easton LaChappelle, robotics engineer who created a mind controlled 3d printed robotic arm that shook the hand of the President not to long ago! AMA!
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We are YearCompass, an international movement which creates a free booklet that helps you to close 2021 and plan 2022, available in 52 languages. Ask us anything about 1) closing your year and planning your next 2) running a nonprofit with 100+ volunteers and 1.5M+ booklet downloads!
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I’m Oli Frost, the guy who makes novelty songs about the climate crisis (involving vampires, pirates, aliens, and so on). Greta Thunberg danced the macarena to one of them. AMA!
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