Will I be allowed to marry in my church without the marriage being legally binding? | 11 | Odd_Advantage1437 | | | | |
Your personal opinion, do you think that Mary was bodily assumed into Heaven? | 10 | chooselife1410 | | | | |
Lutheran "wonder-workers"? | 10 | Nearby_Scientist8313 | | | | |
Is the church growing in the West ? | 9 | IndoCaribboy | | | | |
Prayer question | 9 | _BiblicallyAccurate | | | | |
qualifying for closed Communion | 8 | M22Hansch | | | | |
ELCA members, what liturgy setting from eLW is most common? Which is your favorite? and a few other questions as well for those that may be able to answer. | 8 | swedusa | | | | |
German Peasant Lutheranism? | 7 | le_epic_kangaroo | | | | |
Why does God's nature and His justice require death as justice/payment for sin in the first place? | 6 | Comfortable-Rich7728 | | | | |
| 5 | GlitteringDinner2742 | | | | |