Manta Unlimited | 8 | Lemonsandlimes9000 | | | | |
Have mercy! | 7 | Mooncake_chookitypa | | | | |
Someone knows if there’s a “high society” novel? | 7 | luthien-tinuviel01 | | | | |
Wow that was bad art (Daddy Dilemma | 5 | The_silver_sparrow | | | | |
[Betrayal of Dignity] Novel - Is this worth reading and spending money over? | 5 | Fine_Inspection8598 | | | | |
Anyone else enjoying 'Keeping My Boss on a Tight Leash'? | 4 | houseofcatandghost | | | | |
Finding camellia | 4 | AwareBid8745 | | | | |
Question!! | 2 | Working_Region3056 | | | | |
The dukes fame sister chapter 34?!? | 2 | Main_Commission_1341 | | | | |
Weekly Discussion Thread: Let's Talk Manta Webcomics! August 5th - 11th | 2 | Our_Lady_Chaos | | | | |