Are these the max player stats that can be achieved as of now? | 6 | Mundii2000 | | | | |
My best (and first) fighting pal. How did I do? | 6 | PossibilityTypical82 | | | | |
Multiplayer Lag | 6 | Tropi80 | | | | |
Bug fix patch glitch | 6 | This_Resolution_2633 | | | | |
Can Frostallion/Necromus Get Siren of the Void via Yakumo? | 6 | bittynp | | | | |
PSA: Partner Skill Stacking | 6 | Drax99 | | | | |
Chest need a setting to keep pal from putting things in them | 6 | Bird_Guzzler | | | | |
Games? | 6 | PrettyGrave_girl999 | | | | |
Bellanoir libero bugged? | 6 | toerkerstesahne | | | | |
Hmmm.... | 5 | Hnowu_Howy | | | | |