Pityorisis rosea | 2 | Hsp_24 | | | | |
Do I Belong Here | 2 | planetrainguy | | | | |
Does this look like a herald patch? | 2 | WorldlinessMoney8200 | | | | |
Doctor thinks this is fungal. I'm wondering if it could be PR. Any ideas? | 2 | banditcat1245 | | | | |
Ideas? | 2 | EntireSite1881 | | | | |
Is this PR? Worried about the coming weeks | 1 | even1ngskies | | | | |
Do I belong here? | 1 | Foreign_Forever9369 | | | | |
Freshly diagnosed with PR NSFW | 1 | chwingee | | | | |
Any soaps recommendations for Pityorisis rosea ,more specifically for drying of the rashes? | 1 | Hsp_24 | | | | |
How I cured PR | 1 | BuckFPV | | | | |