banned from pub for leaving bad review | 1 | whereisel | | | | |
Start with YA or adult? | 1 | [deleted] | | | | |
[Discussion] Start with YA or adult | 1 | 30booksaday | | | | |
[QCrit] LOVE, AND BE SILENT | Sci-Fi, Dystopian | Adult Fiction | 90k | 1 | PsijicMonkey | | | | |
[QCrit] Adult Romantic Fantasy, Dawn of the Viper, 111k, Version #2 | 1 | wyrdkey | | | | |
[QCrit]YA Horror- FINDING ODIN FALLS-(71k FIRST attempt+ 300 words) | 1 | CrystalGris | | | | |
[QCrit] Adult Fantasy - BLOODLINE OF PEACE (119k, 5th attempt) | 1 | yinxaa | | | | |
[QCrit] Adult Literary Fiction - FAKE COMPANY (74k words/Revision #3) | 1 | getnakedivegotaplan | | | | |
[QCrit] Adult Literary Fiction - FAKE COMPANY (74k words/Revision #3) | 1 | getnakedivegotaplan | | | | |
[PubQ] Should I be promoting my book on social media? If so, when should I start? | 1 | muaddict071537 | | | | |