Rate my account | 1 | TheOne533 | | | | |
Feeding kills best commanders and troop numbers | 1 | HelloBye_7 | | | | |
Returning player with little experience | 1 | RobTooShifty | | | | |
New player help, can't find guides | 1 | FredGlass | | | | |
Wants to join a alliance | 1 | Lunathetunafurever | | | | |
Best kvk 1 Calvary pairing | 1 | Particular_Orchid_86 | | | | |
5511 minimoto | 1 | malaysu | | | | |
How do i move? | 1 | Longjumping_Lock9994 | | | | |
Bboom | 1 | Ryan8888McKilla | | | | |
MGE Steal Guide | 1 | Extra_Birthday637 | | | | |