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Russian Telegram channels are saying that Yevgeny Poddubny was killed by an FPV today in Kursk oblast. Poddubny is one of the best known Russian voenkors who spent significant time in Syria as well as Ukraine.
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Baltic Defence Line in Latvia gets its 'dragon's teeth'. Concrete structures, also known as "Lego blocks", will be placed along Latvia's border with Russia and Belarus.
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Ukrainian Armed Forces Sink Russian Russia’s Kilo Class Submarine, Destroy Four S-400 Systems in Crimea. Following the first attack in September of 2023, the submarine underwent repairs and was tested in the waters of Sevastopol harbour. Its cost is estimated at $300 million.
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‘For Hunting F-16s’: Guerrillas Discover Russian Buk Missile System in Donetsk Region. Guerrillas suggest that the arrival of F-16 fighters in Ukraine may have prompted Russia to move additional air defense systems closer to the front line.
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New Targets - Partisans Discover Hidden Russian Landing Ships in Sevastopol. Atesh partisans have told Ukrainian Defense Forces of two Russian landing ships concealed in Sevastopol, including the Konstantin Olshansky, which was stolen from Ukraine in 2014.
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