Which way is more effective? | 1 | Constant-Ride-6660 | | | | |
Any Discord or Reddit Chat? | 1 | itsokpapi | | | | |
TMI but has anyone experienced this and why is this happening! | 1 | Perfect-Sand-1991 | | | | |
Is it safe? | 1 | CarpenterSad3100 | | | | |
Kidney pain | 1 | Jazzlike-Top1554 | | | | |
100-Day Water Fast-- Accountability Post, Results so Far and How I F***d up | 1 | Aggravating-One-661 | | | | |
Hoe to fight fatigue? | 1 | Meowsint | | | | |
Does adding chia seeds and a squeeze of lemon juice break ketosis and end my water fast | 1 | Extension-Stranger66 | | | | |
Lasted all day but hunger hitting me hard before bed. | 1 | El_Diamante2 | | | | |
Controversial question. Chewing and spitting ? | 1 | Own-Cryptographer277 | | | | |