5th metatarsal fracture; before and after surgery. | 9 | RacerBoy3O2 | | | | |
So figured I should put this here | 8 | AcceptablePut1421 | | | | |
In the process of an EDS diagnosis, got cervical spine ap flex & ext xrays for my ever growing collection | 6 | EldritchSpaceWarlock | | | | |
Definitely not as bad as some of the other breaks here, never getting on a bike again | 6 | AdeptiOfLiyue | | | | |
Elbow Injury | 5 | PlatypusFreckles | | | | |
Hips | 4 | MouseMazeArt | | | | |
Rad Tech | 3 | Rosiewolf01 | | | | |
can superglue show up on x ray? | 3 | lqivie | | | | |
Right foot x-ray | 1 | Educational_Tooth185 | | | | |
My X-Rays from the Chiropractor | 1 | Local-Safe5027 | | | | |