looking to do one of these trades | 6 | Dashelieisstink | | | | |
Should I? | 6 | l-care-about-you | | | | |
Trading my pets for silk bags/amc | 5 | crescsent | | | | |
Trading for good downgrade - not looking for shadow dragon | 5 | proxymoxie | | | | |
LF THIS TRADE (And maybe adds?) | 5 | LlamasFromAmazon | | | | |
was this good? | 5 | _duhh_its_me_ | | | | |
Trading these x | 5 | SweetCherrySherbet | | | | |
LOOKING FOR A TRADE LIKE THIS | 5 | winteely | | | | |
LF THESE TRADES + ADDS(?, LF MEGAS) | 5 | LlamasFromAmazon | | | | |
TRADING ALL MY NEONS | 5 | GayTeletubby1 | | | | |