Before Gregor Mendel's work on heredity, how was the scenario of two dark haired parents producing a child with blonde hair viewed?
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I've heard the worst destiny for a slave in the ancient world was not the arena but the mines, is it true?
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Video of a college professor saying that he has not found "evidence of ONE crime committed by Stalin" is gaining steam on /r/videos. There is a ton of really bad history being spread in the comments there so can you all provide some of the sources that give evidence for Stalin's atrocities?
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During the 1000 years of Chinese occupation in Vietnam, did the Vietnamese consider themselves a separate people from the Chinese, or did they think of themselves as similar in heritage?
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What centennial commemorations of the Battle of Waterloo took place, if any, in June 1915 when Europe was again at war, with Waterloo allies now enemies and enemies now allies.
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How did the Sassanid Empire deal with Huns? Why were they able to resist them while the Romans weren't ?
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There's Visigoths and Ostrogoths and Vandals, who spoke Gothic so I'll lump them in with Goths. Did they understand themselves to be Goths or is "Goths" an exonym applied by the Romans to these various East Germanic groups with little relation to one another?
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