Was Ulysses S. Grant as strategically and tactically unremarkable as the unremitting fawning over his subordinates and foes by modern war historians would have you believe? If so, why did Abraham Lincoln ask him to lead the war effort?
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Did Abubakari Keita II (Mansa Musa's predecessor in the Malian Empire) actually go on a expedition to find land across the Atlantic, only to disappear with his whole fleet?
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Kaiser Wilhelm II, King George V, and Czar Nicolas II were all first cousins of each other, yet World War 1 still happened. How much control did Monarchs have control over their countries going to war in the 19th and early 20th century? Did monarchs care that they were going to war with family?
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What made Austrians feel so, "Other" from the rest of the German speaking states that led them to oppose a unified Germany for so long?
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I love reading about the early history of Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions but I often have a difficult time mentally placing the various groups in location and time. Is there a quick pictograph or short video showing the movements of these various people over time?
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