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I know that the burning of the Library of Alexandria is actually a greatly overblown event. But what about the burning of an ancient library and museum in Naples in September 1943? Do we know much about what the Nazis destroyed?
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When and how did the idea of the 7 continents come about? Specifically: why is Europe a separate "continent" while the Middle East, a similarly culturally distinct area, is not?
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Is there any evidence to support or disprove the idea that the Bronze Age Collapse caused "lost Golden Age" mythologies to arise?
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I am a knight in Western Europe, sometime between 1100 and 1400. I've just had my hand cut off, but survived the battle. What are my chances of survival and what will my future be like?
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What kind of 'Homework' or 'Assignments' would one receive being a university student in the middle ages?
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