Happy 7th Birthday to /r/AskHistorians! Please use this thread for merriment and other enjoyments in acknowledgement of this historic milestone!
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President Trump, according to the New York Times, owes over $300 million on loans that will become due over the next four years. Has any other sitting president ever carried such significant debt? What was public opinion at the time?
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How is Yuengling, a company founded in 1829, America's oldest brewery? That is, that seems fairly late in the US of America's existence for a brewery to be established, including the colonial period. Were their older breweries that went under - and why? Was it a risky business?
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I have finally convinced my fiercely nationalistic father to read a book of my choice on the Armenian genocide. Could you recommend me a book that both makes compelling historically sound arguments that also doesn’t demonize Turks.
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Supposedly the dish called the Hangtown Fry got its name because a man on death row delayed his execution by asking for an oyster omelet, so law enforcement had to undertake a week’s ride on horseback to get the ingredients. Were "last meal requests" ever really honored so rigorously?
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Simon Bolivar won a hundred battles. Yet, for all his success, Bolívar viewed his campaign for independence as a failure, with the famous quote "all who served the revolution have plowed the sea". Do historians think his pessimism was justified? If not, are we ready for the hip-hop musical?
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How did Medieval armies tell which side a soldier was on? How common was it for a soldier to be killed by someone in his own army, being mistaken for an enemy?
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Is there any reason why "cool" has had such a cultural sticking power while other slang terms have frequently come and gone?
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