Titanic is said to have had a gymnasium. What types of exercise equipment would have been onboard in 1912?
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Did Stalin and Beria ever make reference to or joke about their shared Georgian heritage? Did they ever speak Georgian together?
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When Alexander the Great became king of Macedon, he abolished all taxes. How was he able to maintain a robust military and home front bureaucracy without compulsory funding from the people?
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Was there widespread deafness amongst pirates who operated cannons? If not, how did they avoid major damage to their hearing?
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[Medieval Sex] How did the idea originate in the Middle Ages that a female orgasm is required for procreation when society *also* believed in ONLY having vaginal sex? NSFW
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The 1987 Japanese game "1942", has the player pilot an American fighter shooting thousands of Japanese enemies. How did Japan view WWII at that time?
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Before the advent of eyeglasses, was it just accepted that more than a third of the population couldn't see clearly?
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How long did it take for deported Brits to start calling themselves Australian? Or did they think of themselves as displaces Englishmen until their deaths and only their kids or grandkids thought of themselves as Australian?
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