I'm a merchant in ancient Rome, and a thief just ran off with some of my goods. Is the legal system good enough to get me justice? Is it worth my while, as a plebian merchant, to report the crime to a magistrate?
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What made 1848 such a big year? Did something specifically happen that caused like half of Europe to make new constitutions that year? Is it the biggest year in the 19th century?
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How did the 'Gothic' go from referring to an ethnicity to a description of overtly nihilist teenagers?
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Is this quote really attributable to Napoleon? “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and I have founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force. Jesus Christ founded his empire upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for him.”
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I’m a wealthy woman somewhere in late-Medieval Europe and I’ve just given birth to my first child (a boy, let’s say). Assuming I don’t die and the child doesn’t die, what will my life as a brand new mother be like, how will I care for the baby and what duties might I delegate to the household staff?
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15 of Shakespeare's 37 plays feature suicide as a significant theme, how common was suicide in everyday life during the Elizabethan Era?
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Given the chaos of the February Revolution in France, who would have had the authority (and hopefully reason) to order a French corvette to embark on an almost 2-year mission around the Pacific to find and transfer the son of a minor French noble from one whaling ship to another?
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Why were the Freemasons so controversial in the early 1800s? An entire party was formed to oppose them, but today they're nothing more than an obscure social club
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