If a reptile, that uses Van Der Waals forces to stick to walls, were to die whilst stuck to a surface, would it stay in place?
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AskScience AMA Series: We're journalists who used genomic sequencing data to reveal how a dangerous strain of salmonella spread through America's chicken industry and still makes people sick. We also made a tool to let people check where their chicken and turkey came from. Happy Thanksgiving, AUA!
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What major environment impact differences are caused by a “typical” oil spill vs one that sets on fire?
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AskScience AMA Series: We're Heather Job, Corinne Drennan, Jonathan Male, and Yangang Liang from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. We use robots to advance energy storage and bioenergy, helping to speed up discoveries. National Robotics Week is April 3-11, help us celebrate. AUA!
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