end of ep 5?!??!? | 12 | sensitivescorpio | | | | |
Ex Boyfriend, Matt? | 11 | Nighthawking2 | | | | |
Is Devin getting the villian edit? | 10 | cabinetflea378 | | | | |
How are we feeling about the remaining guys? | 7 | Alternative_Feed_481 | | | | |
Hometowns? | 7 | Itchy_Wrongdoer_9096 | | | | |
Who do you want to see Jen with? | 7 | Educational-Peace919 | | | | |
Does Sam N look familiar | 5 | Educational-Peace919 | | | | |
Rachel has a picc line? | 3 | danixdarling | | | | |
Thomas N's Tattoo | 3 | PrincessCassandra | | | | |
jenn’s lips… | 2 | Dry-Airport7661 | | | | |