[Discussion] Any Advice for the Perfect Layout? | 9 | TranslatorPlenty519 | | | | |
When you need storage but don’t want so many storage rooms in a row so you pull one of these [screenshot] | 8 | CrystalFire0 | | | | |
[screenshot] Caps and Good Dwellers?? | 8 | Acceptable-Notice-86 | | | | |
Lvling my vault dweller [ScreenShot] | 8 | HiryuBoyz | | | | |
[Discussion] Constantly at red power | 8 | IronRiot_99 | | | | |
Tips on vault ? [Vault] | 8 | Capital-Load9290 | | | | |
[Question] can snip snip be revived after death? | 8 | somerandom101dude | | | | |
POV: THEY GOES EXPLORE LEVEL 25, COMING BACK 50💀 [Dank meme] | 7 | Informal-Yam3974 | | | | |
SPECIAL system update [discussion] | 7 | Academic-Finish-9976 | | | | |
[Discussion] Retrieve The Pet carrier quest | 7 | Slow_Faithlessness26 | | | | |