If you zoom out the right amount this happens, I assume this is NOT meant to happen (coordinates for google maps: 19.053218622284962, 15.749563441288608) | 2 | badbatchenjoyer_ | | | | |
Denver, Colorado. What the hell? | 2 | Dream_is_Him | | | | |
A camp in the middle of greenland. | 1 | Abject-Storm4834 | | | | |
Found this on Greenland | 1 | Technical-Data384 | | | | |
Lending a hand in Manchester NSFW | 1 | cliddlestracket | | | | |
Man or woman? | 1 | madeit3486 | | | | |
Which map you would choose? | 1 | Abject-Storm4834 | | | | |
Alphabet Car Game? | 1 | Level-Top5362 | | | | |
Wonder what happened here NSFW | 1 | Zealousideal-Bit9652 | | | | |
I didnt know california had 2 bladed turbines? link: https://www.google.com/maps/@33.8770035,-116.4644293,3a,69.5y,54.92h,87.11t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sRHHUBUvapsMNxJho8hqjWw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu | 1 | CorrodedGalaxy | | | | |