L’Advisory Board di FEduF, costituito su invito del Presidente Stefano Lucchini per affiancare e supportare il Consiglio di Amministrazione della Fondazione per l’Educazione finanziaria di ABI, si arricchisce grazie all’ingresso di Simonetta Giordani, Segretario Generale dell’Associazione Civita,
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EF Solare Italia, primario operatore fotovoltaico in Italia ed in Europa, annuncia l’ingresso di Amalia Muollo come nuova General Counsel. Con un’esperienza consolidata nel campo legale e una profondaconoscenza del settore energetico e delle infrastrutture, rappresenta un’aggiunta strategica al
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Does this tax regime apply for a highly skilled worker moving to Italy to work for an Italian company? - https://kpmg.com/xx/en/home/insights/2024/01/flash-alert-2024-008.html
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Hi guys! My girlfriends grandma passed away this weekend and we acquired some paintings. Was wondering if anyone can identify the artist or has any idea when it was painted. There is no name on the painting or the back of the painting and opening it might damage it. (Milan, Italy)
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