Can anyone help me find out what style of karate I used to train? | 51 | Herewegoagain1070 | | | | |
Dealing with Schizophrenic Student | 37 | CalligrapherMain7451 | | | | |
What is your the best technique in karate? | 35 | Yk1japa | | | | |
What did the Sensei in karate say to you that made you happy? | 34 | Yk1japa | | | | |
More Throws in Karate | 27 | WastelandKarateka | | | | |
Son is 4 and has 4 weeks in Karate. Test in a few weeks? | 26 | Azalea-1125 | | | | |
Starting Karate at an older age? | 26 | Kizaria | | | | |
Difference in kata from color to black? | 26 | stuffingsinyou | | | | |
Sensei Bas Rutten’s analysis of Wado-Ryu Black Belt Eoghan Chelmiah’s 10s KO | 24 | Mac-Tyson | | | | |
the second match I fought at a kyokushin tournament 3mth ago! (lost by waza) | 24 | raptor12k | | | | |