ame gets abused and fucking explodes (wants to runaway) | 4 | Key_Definition1297 | | | | |
What can i give as a reason for leaving the house in the middle of the night? | 4 | ThrowAwayBothExp | | | | |
Where should I go??? | 4 | RaeRae2008ahhhh | | | | |
Need advice ASAP! in Indiana | 4 | SorryConflict4616 | | | | |
Racist abusive parents | 4 | BeneficialPick7003 | | | | |
Sup runners, I’m leaving tonight | 3 | Ok_Big_6698 | | | | |
Running away soon | 3 | Ok-Mango-7942 | | | | |
Help/Tips? (17F) | 3 | AggressiveLocal2285 | | | | |
Should i run away? | 3 | Cat_Thing1205 | | | | |
What I have | 3 | RaeRae2008ahhhh | | | | |