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It was the gate, wasn't it lol. Hey, for what it's worth, good profiling! I have the right earmarks. I don't take offense to that. It's just not the case here.
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Heh. Grrr lol. We're they really gonna MMA fight me? That's hilarious. That stuff about the TKD was real, I really did train under Master Park. World Champion, looks like a panda that can rip your arms off lol. I have a feeling my brain remembers it better than my body though lol.
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https://wct-park.com/about-us/ He really was good. Lost a ton of weight looks like. Never went past I think it was red belt? As soon as I could spar with the blackbelts I quit doing the forms. Master Nyguen Phoc too, when I was younger. That DE is real, it works.
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I'll give you the free hit! Jujitsu fucks my world up. MMA is Jujitsu heavy. TKD is a striking art form. I would either win or lose very, very quickly. Probably lose, they didn't have MMA back then. But boy howdy can I break a knee lol.
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I want you safe. These are dangerous people. You need to be paranoid till it's over. It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you. SS:2HBV3DF. I kinda want them to show up here anyhow lol.
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I have complete faith in you as a human being and a lawyer. No question. Do you do the same things every day? Park in the same spot? Be paranoid, just for a little while. Not even paranoid. Aware. Look for signs. You don't know what I know about these people. Their families are very dangerous.
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