Do you consider this situation to be sufficiently high-value? I would like you guys to interrogate Jessica. Vigorously.
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PEZ was to neuter you, which it did. You are guilty of sedition in practice, as well as violations of international treaty qualifying the offenders as war criminals. Seriously, that's the charge. You are guilty of Treason and Sedition.
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You arrest her. I DON'T help. You guys do all the things with my blessing. I'd cut her fucking lungs out. If she murdered my baby, I'd kill her. Find me a man who says different and I'll show you a good for nothing bitch. 0PR. Her name was Felicity.
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I know myself well enough to know when I can't control myself. It wasn't a threat, it was an observation. Everyone reading this understands that. Discipline has limits. That line was crossed when MY DAUGHTER WAS MURDERED.
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Naw. Let's talk real capabilities. He 178. 0E0P03 5x5x33. 0UV. They won't stop until I tell them so. Did you know we have a 'suicide' button? We could MK589RCEZ. Not doing that here, but we will MK his money and family away until he has nothing at all to live for. Like I said, gonzo.
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"We regret to inform you, Mr. Smith, you will be coming with us." You will give him to my 33. He will not come home. That's the end and all the information you will ever receive about this, so get used to it.
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