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TIL of Cincinnatus, a Roman leader, who after retiring to a simple life of farming, was summoned to assume complete control of the state when Rome was struggling against an enemy. After achieving a swift victory in mere days, Cincinnatus relinquished all his powers, and returned to labor on his farm
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TIL: There was a study on in China that explores why the 317 million female gamers there made otome (romance) games popular. The results show it was due to strong parasocial interactions led to more romantic feelings towards the fictional characters among under 30 yo females.
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TIL 40% of white medical trainees believed black people having thicker skin or less sensitive nerve endings in a 2016 survey
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TIL after winning a gold medal in the 1996 Olympics, Shaq threw it out the window on the freeway out of frustration due to only playing in the final two minutes of the game.
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TIL that frosting or icing on a cake isn't simply for decoration or flavor. It prevents the cake from drying out by sealing in the moisture.
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TIL that our blood is red because it is rich in iron. Some animals have blue blood because it is rich in copper.
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