TIL that former Kentucky governor Matt Bevin sent his adopted teenage Ethiopian son Noah to a "troubled teen" school in Jamaica. After the school was shut down following the discovery of the widespread abuse, Bevin failed to pick up his son, who was made a ward of the state of Jamaica.
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TIL that the reason our fingers and toes wrinkle when they're submerged in water for a long time is to improve our handling of wet objects.
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TIL that France's national football teams biggest loss ever was a 17-1 defeat to Denmark in the 1908 London Olympics. Danish footballer Sophus Nielsen scored 10 of them, and he was the first player ever to score 10 goals in a official national team match.
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TIL, The Netherlands gives Canada 20,000 tulips every year as a thank you for protecting the Dutch royal family in ww2
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TIL that hippos can sleep submerged in the water and come to the surface to breathe without waking up.
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TIL the show the adventures of Ozzie and Harriet 1952-1966 has the most episodes of any live action sitcom ever 435
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TIL Tu Youyou won Nobel Prize in Medicine by discovering a cure for Malaria in ancient Chinese Daoist Medical texts
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