BUFFED Baron Geddon Guide - 25.3 & 22.3 armies | 41 | Old_Guardian | | | | |
Quest are just Frustrating | 40 | Tumockk | | | | |
Quest completions broken? | 40 | afrobotics | | | | |
Popular opinion: There should be a Wipe-It button on raids | 39 | JrMoos | | | | |
Got my first legendary | 37 | Former-Feedback-7646 | | | | |
I just need to vent about this game | 37 | rioichi4 | | | | |
Cenarius dying immediately in last Gnomeregan stage? | 36 | Grotarin | | | | |
What’s one mini you refuse to upgrade? | 35 | lordkauth | | | | |
Can't even complete the quests | 34 | Niners4Ever16 | | | | |
My last game to 20k was a lot of mixed emotions | 34 | Goddess-Cinna | | | | |