"Just a minute," Sara called when she heard the knock at the door as she washed her hair. | 132 | TwoSentenceHorror | | | | |
Brick Houses | 121 | shortscarystories | | | | |
Prisoner Transport | 120 | nosleep | | | | |
"This bad boy ain't going anywhere," my Dad said as he gave a test jiggle to the straps. | 117 | TwoSentenceHorror | | | | |
The Hawaiian Shirt | 110 | shortscarystories | | | | |
My Last House Blessing | 103 | nosleep | | | | |
The Sheepdog | 103 | nosleep | | | | |
Hunted for Sport | 98 | nosleep | | | | |
Dash-cam Footage | 98 | shortscarystories | | | | |
Seasonal Halloween Store 2002 | 97 | nosleep | | | | |