Heartbreaking 💔 | 5 | nokotan | | | | |
[LFA] Human(ish) barbariy | 3 | characterdrawing | | | | |
For those who've seen me talk about my OCs... | 3 | OriginalCharacter | | | | |
I know y'all respect sane people, but what about r/Arkhamrehabilitation doctors? | 2 | StardustAslumers | | | | |
Ask Teach anything! (Repost because I forgot to include the image) | 2 | OriginalCharacter | | | | |
I was recruited by Gojo | 2 | StardustAslumers | | | | |
I don't feel comfortable in being myself around my parents | 2 | Advice | | | | |
My oc, Teach, has a shit ton of lore | 2 | OriginalCharacter | | | | |
Why do you always invite me when you make subs? | 2 | thecuretocancer | | | | |
I have a question. | 2 | CharacterAI | | | | |