(NON FPE RELATED) on this scale, how much | 6 | FundamentalPaperEdu | | | | |
Oh godness, everybody cats are dying. | 6 | fnafmeme2 | | | | |
hey look one of my posts got shown :D | 5 | fnafmeme0 | | | | |
Here is my version of the locked box test: | 3 | SCP | | | | |
dado status | 3 | CharacterAI | | | | |
Am i | 2 | ShadowBanned | | | | |
So I have done a bit of investigating and research on the Signal allegations (which I’ll codename Case #001 for now) and I can’t conclude to anything due to lack of information. | 2 | FundamentalPaperEdu | | | | |
Chat. | 1 | help | | | | |
oqiqiqiqqoqiiqqiufhjdjshsissusudiqisusj | 1 | placehldr | | | | |
idk what to put for title | 1 | The8BitRyanReddit | | | | |