/u/LBJSmellsNice's posts
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I’m an average peasant living in Central Europe around the year 900. After communion goes disastrously wrong, I find myself transported 300 years into the future. What would be the big change I see? Or could I even tell? Do I even know what year it is?
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Nowadays everyone knows that it’s healthy to exercise. But how long has that been the case? Would you find an ancient Roman jogging? A Ming peasant doing push-ups? I don’t mean practicing with weapons, I mean plain working out.
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Would a bullet fired travel farther through a 2 foot block of solid glass or 24 inch thick panes? In other words, would the block have more resistance to bullet movement than the panes because it is one solid object, or the panes have more resistance because of the air in between them?
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Is the idea of warfare between a smaller group of guerrillas and a conventional military a 20th century phenomenon, or not? Like Vietnam, Taliban, etc.
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Thomas Paine sold his revolutionary war pamphlet Common Sense with a goal to make a profit off of its sales. What kind of market was there for selling political pamphlets, and at what point historically did political pamphlets go from being sold to being handed out?
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Wikipedia says that if you get liposuction, even with dieting and exercise, the fat cells removed will return to the body within a few months. What causes this?
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The American “Know Nothing” party was founded in 1844 for “native” Americans. Was there any criticism among its contemporaries for being anti-immigrant while there were still people alive who remember the nation’s founding?
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