/u/New_Pakistani's posts in /r/askhistorians
Italy has an immensely rich heritage. But which Italian town or city can proudly boast of having the LEAST HISTORY...?
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Does Western historians' near total ignorance and/or disregard for the Circassian Genocide prove that historical analysis will unfortunately always be prone to the subconscious cultural biases/preferences of the historian?
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The Christian Armenian revolutionaries from late 19th C onward who be free of Turkish rule and build their own country/autonomous territory outside of Turkey. How comes those same Armenians never rebelled when an Atheist Russia ended up giving them EVEN LESS than what the Turkish had offered them?
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Why has the Egypt always remained relatively poor considering the glut of world famous treasures at its disposal? Has its tourist industry, and the country as a whole, underperformed when compared to its European counterparts? Have any experts, advisors, strategists ever pointed this out?
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Egypt doesn't have Oil but does have a glut of monumental world class treasures more famous than any on Earth. Yet, inexplicably, the country has always remained 'borderline poor.' So was the previous Egyptian regime simply incompetent or indifferent about fully exploiting this unique 'resource?'
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The similarity between Tenochtitlan and Venice is mind-boggling. Also the Mayans loved Pyramids. Can we say for certain that the Mayans were not aware of the existence of Venice or the Egyptian pyramids and were not seeking to emulate these two?
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Has Italy or any part of Italy lived through a period where there was a shift to displaying non-religious paintings/art started getting displayed within its churches and cathedrals with a subsequent almost 'Reformation style' backlash to return to religious art?
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Was Marco Polo a crass example of a man using 'Middle Class Privilege' to establish himself as an 'Explorer' when likely Hundreds of poorer Italians, Europeans and Asians would've already traversed the Silk Road and seen the 'sites' but cos they had a JOB they'd neither time nor energy to record?
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Why do Armenians never confront Iran regarding its historical 'Genocide' against the Armenians? Is it because its so far back in History that no one cares anymore?
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