continuation | 1 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
Ritanland will reopen its ports and war update | 1 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
Almost… | 1 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
Expand and protect border from phaburg and jajoa | 1 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
D191 with Akipo | 1 | ZheLuyon | | | | |
I declare war on Jajoa | 1 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
Update | 1 | MapOfWhatevria | | | | |
Lähénzi Mūgáli (first presi) will make major reforms | 1 | MapOfToulmond | | | | |
Rhonesia is asking many countries to come to Rhonesia and rebuild the nation from the ruins | 1 | MapOfToulmond | | | | |
Day 192 | 1 | ZheLuyon | | | | |