All I'm saying is.. | 17 | okbuddycoral | | | | |
Franchise Watch Order. | 13 | thewalkingdead | | | | |
Favorite Shane quote? | 9 | okbuddycoral | | | | |
The Ones Who Live. | 9 | thewalkingdead | | | | |
Oh look another post about the head TheBoys mod karma farming, and getting banned for calling it out. | 9 | RedditModAbuse | | | | |
And I fed him Spaghetti! | 7 | NeganDidNothingWrong | | | | |
Join the official comic sub. | 3 | thewalkingdeadcomic | | | | |
Just made a new character, what should I name him. | 3 | BatmanArkham | | | | |
Requesting r/VoughtPlus due to being unmodded | 2 | redditrequest | | | | |
So was he thrown or did you pull him out? | 1 | thewalkingdead | | | | |