I am a Wolf. Every post I’ve ever made, was made by a wild wolf who obtained a phone somehow | 14 | lies | | | | |
If South Sudan was a Central Asian country | 13 | mapporncirclejerk | | | | |
I do as I will -Serbia | 10 | UsernameChecksOut | | | | |
What is a Reddit snip | 8 | redditsniper | | | | |
Delete this if you want. But we need new mods | 7 | countryballs_comics | | | | |
Noice | 5 | FoundPleiades_Wolf | | | | |
What if Antarctica had a Civil War? | 5 | ROTEDCircleJerkier | | | | |
Top Comment Decides what rule is added | 4 | ROTEDCircleJerkier | | | | |
The new flag of China was just released. What are your opinions on this new flag? | 4 | lies | | | | |
Target acquired | 3 | foundthomasthedutchie | | | | |