Unseamly Sort | 125 | shortscarystories | | | | |
I had to start cleaning my room every day after my mommy found all of the cats I killed and hid in the kitchen. | 121 | TwoSentenceHorror | | | | |
Pretty Astral Rot | 120 | shortscarystories | | | | |
Scars Like Costume Jewelry | 119 | shortscarystories | | | | |
The Portrait in the Ward | 118 | shortscarystories | | | | |
Ho! Ho! Oh. | 118 | shortscarystories | | | | |
Tamagotcha, Inc. | 116 | shortscarystories | | | | |
MaMaDaDa NSFW | 114 | shortscarystories | | | | |
“I only left the little guy alone for a minute,” I said as I stared at the open front door. | 110 | TwoSentenceHorror | | | | |
Keeping Up | 110 | shortscarystories | | | | |