/u/screwyoushadowban's posts in /r/askhistorians
Did the Romans and Hellenistic Greek states engage in the same mass population transfers/forced migration of craftspeople and elites that the Neo-Assyrians and Persians did? If yes were they deliberately copying the policy of past empires?
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Early Medieval Scandinavia had extensive economic contact with areas in what is now Russia as well migration to (and return from) the Eastern Roman Empire. How influential was Orthodox Christianity at that time in what would eventually become Catholic Scandinavia?
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Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union how much information and research could Western and Soviet scientists exchange between them? How did internal policy decisions like Glasnost affect this relationship?
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How did older aristocratic notions of "gentlemanly conduct" and masculine behavior enter the social discourse of other classes in the 19th and 20th century?
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The U.S./Philippines mobilized hundreds of thousands of guerilla fighters during WW2 to resist the Japanese. How the did the American & later independent Philippine governments try to demobilize & normalize so many armed men after the war?
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To a Roman (in the Late Republic/earliest Empire) what did it mean to be "civilized" and who, besides themselves and I guess the Greeks, was "civilized"? The (Ptolemaic) Egyptians? The Persians? The far-off Indians?
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Pre-Yuan, did Chinese literature make much use of the 'Noble Savage' theme for nomadic peoples, a la indigenous Americans/Europeans and Gauls/Romans, or were they always dangerous or backwards 'alien' peoples?
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Did Romans in the first centuries BCE and CE think that Rome would last forever (or at least as long as humanity existed)? Was there pre-Christian Roman eschatological belief?
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When & why did the characteristics that modern people find most odious about the Indian varna paradigm (noncomensality/"dirtiness" concepts, compulsory endogamy except via anuloma, contempt for lower classes and their work) begin to appear?
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Pre-literate memory and truth value: two witnesses in a trial in Ancient Greece or pre-Imperial Rome give two slightly differing accounts of the same event. Is the assumption in these cultures that one of them is lying, or did they recognize that one or both could simply be mistaken?
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