/u/screwyoushadowban's posts
The U.S./Philippines mobilized hundreds of thousands of guerilla fighters during WW2 to resist the Japanese. How the did the American & later independent Philippine governments try to demobilize & normalize so many armed men after the war?
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How did older aristocratic notions of "gentlemanly conduct" and masculine behavior enter the social discourse of other classes in the 19th and 20th century?
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Was the United Farm Workers always ostensibly a Mexican-American organization? How did early members react to the Chicano imagery, especially since one of the two original founding organizations was mostly Filipino-American?
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What was the Qing (& various neighboring countries who had been deeply influenced by Chinese political thought) notion of "sovereignty" in the 18th-19th centuries, how did it differ from European ideas of it, and how did it change when confronted with European occupation?
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What were Medieval Christian & Muslim rulers' and intellectuals' perceptions of/ideas about Samaritanism? Did people outside the Levant know that the Samaritan community still existed & had a distinct culture? Did states treat or acknowledge Samaritans differently from (Rabbinic) Jewish people?
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Pre-literate memory and truth value: two witnesses in a trial in Ancient Greece or pre-Imperial Rome give two slightly differing accounts of the same event. Is the assumption in these cultures that one of them is lying, or did they recognize that one or both could simply be mistaken?
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Did insurance systems for ships exist in ancient Rome? If so, was it expected that every big ship would have insurance? How would they handle a "it's stuck in the canal!" situation?
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When & why did the characteristics that modern people find most odious about the Indian varna paradigm (noncomensality/"dirtiness" concepts, compulsory endogamy except via anuloma, contempt for lower classes and their work) begin to appear?
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To a Roman (in the Late Republic/earliest Empire) what did it mean to be "civilized" and who, besides themselves and I guess the Greeks, was "civilized"? The (Ptolemaic) Egyptians? The Persians? The far-off Indians?
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