ADHD medication ruined my perfect relationship | 18 | ZircaCS | | | | |
ADHD or Manipulation | 10 | throwawayeverythingp | | | | |
RSD and intimacy | 9 | Critical-Strength-66 | | | | |
Mismatch libido | 8 | Weird_Hair_2109 | | | | |
Help Navigating Attraction in my relationship | 5 | dscaas | | | | |
"You don't listen to me" | 4 | Typ0r8r | | | | |
It’s causing problems that I can’t just forget about arguments without discussing what went wrong. | 4 | kwnofprocrastination | | | | |
Is time blindness a dealbreaker in a relationship | 4 | FrequentAd9447 | | | | |
Examining the Subjective Wellbeing and Social Support of Adult Australian's with ADHD | 4 | Any-Procedure-430 | | | | |
Is this RSD? | 4 | LoveScore | | | | |