Nothing better to do than lurk around the SAlt kids | 23 | Lamont-Cranston | | | | |
Public servants want to protest for the right to work-from-home as they ordered back into the office. Nobody is ready to organise them | 23 | weaktimesp | | | | |
The lack of solidarity, class consciousness and self-respect is staggering: the case of NSW wfh | 14 | dhjdd662 | | | | |
What career paths would be the most beneficial for furthering the cause of socialism? | 9 | DJJonezyYT | | | | |
Class and Capital in Australia | 9 | MalatestaFiesta | | | | |
Support Sue Bolton’s re-election campaign! | 9 | Significant-Health92 | | | | |
Makarrata: Labor loses its way and falls at the feet of Dutton. | 8 | ausml | | | | |
Thought this might be relevant with the coming election. | 6 | Dirt-surfer | | | | |
Posting the instagram account of an ex-Socialist Alternative member leads to comment deletion? (META) | 1 | Jet90 | | | | |