Moog DFAM in Bitwig | 35 | polarity-berlin | | | | |
Oxford Inflator but it's Bitwig | 24 | polarity-berlin | | | | |
How To Be Dangerously Fast In Bitwig (Ft. Keyboard Maestro) | 21 | officialtaches | | | | |
Just made this little Destroyed Noise Generator fully tested on Bitwig <3 (more in comments) | 14 | _F_L_U_X_ | | | | |
Intermittent DPS spikes to 100%! | 10 | Caretaken_ambient | | | | |
Best practices for managing large plugin libraries for easy search by type | 9 | figmentyo | | | | |
You don't always have to do serious productions with Bitwig :D Just have some fun sometimes! | 7 | Astropoly | | | | |
Need help about 2 things in Bitwigs GUI | 6 | Spaylee | | | | |
Akai Midimix Controller Script | 6 | BIMLAI | | | | |
Export question. Updating to 5.2 i've encountered a new problem with my exports | 4 | Khal21 | | | | |