In the iconic 1987 film "The Untouchables," Eliot Ness is portrayed as a heroic crime fighter who helps take down Al Capone. While Ness indeed played an important role in Capone's downfall, many scenes are dramatized and the movie also left a lot of interesting details out. (Read more in 1st comment
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The Lykov family fled to the Siberian wilderness to escape religious persecution by the Bolsheviks. They lived in complete isolation for 40 years, unaware of WWII, before being discovered in 1978.
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Barn fires kill hundreds of thousands to millions of animals each year around the world, somtimes 1+ million in a single fire. Barns are often designed in a very flammable way, have high methane gas concentrations, and give no room for animals to escape
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These watches called Vangrar were initially designed for blind people. You can tell time by touching the two magnets
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One squadron commander, J. Hunter Reinburg, figured he could raise morale among his men if he could fix one of his F4U Corsair fighter bombers to become a high-altitude ice cream maker. (Read more in 1st comment)
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Fossil of 500 million-year-old larva found with preserved brain. Researchers have discovered how the brains of arthropods evolved after finding the fossil of a larva that lived half a billion years ago.
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Giant pangolin rediscovered in Senegal. The field team photographed the giant pangolin for the first time since 1967.
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David Bain, a man accused and convicted of murdering his mother, father, and three younger siblings when he was 22. He was acquitted after a second trial in 2009 after having spent 13 years in prison. The retrial jury took less than a day to render Bain not guilty on all five counts.
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